The Saving of the Lights
PRESERVATION Just before Christmas in 1922, Coral Gables turned on more than 500 electric streetlights to illuminate eight miles of...

Top Cops
CRIME PREVENTION As police departments across the U.S. scramble to recruit officers, the Coral Gables force has zero vacancies for the...

Pop Ups and Sticky Space
RETAIL Pop ups – stores that occupy a vacant retail space for a short period of time – are popping up all over the Gables these days,...

Kvell and Kvetch
Recognize that expression? It is Yiddish for “Beaming with Pride and Complaining.” It’s also the nickname for the most popular class...

How to Avoid Being Evicted
Books & Books Mitch Kaplan, founder of Books & Books – and last month’s cover subject – has found a way to make sure the rent never gets...

Power Suit Update
The first round in the bout between the city and FPL is now over, with both sides claiming victories. Of the four complaints brought by...

Power Suit
THE CITY CONTINUES ITS FIGHT WITH FPL When Irma hit South Florida, thousands of Gables residents lost power. A week later, hundreds of...

Guns in the Gables
A GUN FADES, BUT NOT THE STRUGGLE Guns in the Gables It was always a symbolic act. At the end of February, the Coral Gables city...

Global Gables
WORLDCITY CELEBRATES TWO-DECADES Can it be 20 years since Coral Gables-based WorldCity began tracking international business in Greater...

Kudos, Sort Of
WE KNEW THE GABLES WAS A TOP CITY Congratulations to Coral Gables, which made it to the 2018 Top 100 Best Places to Live [in the USA] by...