The Old Police and Fire Station

Old Police and Fire Station - 1939
The Coral Gables Municipal Building – aka the “Old Police and Fire Station” – was built during the Great Depression in 1939 as a project of the WPA (Works Progress Administration).
Designed by Phineas Paist and Harold Steward, the iconic structure on Salzedo Street between Aragon and Giralda avenues is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
Above the three bays for fire trucks are the heads of two Gables firemen; behind them are faces of the typical family they protect. Now part of the Museum of Coral Gables, its old jail cells, courtroom and hook & ladder room are museum exhibits.

The Coral Gables Municipal Building - Now
IN 1939:
Germany invades Poland, starts WWII
A new house costs an average of $3,800, gasoline 10 cents a gallon
Lou Gehrig retires from Major League Baseball, diagnosed with ALS
The movies “Gone with the Wind” and “The Wizard of Oz” premier
The World’s Fair and LaGuardia Airport both open in New York City