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To Scoot or Not to Scoot

You may have seen them zipping around the city – scooters like the ones you used as a kid, where you propelled yourself with one foot while standing on the other.

These same scooters are now powered by electric motors that can move you along at speeds of up to 15 mph, and they will be peppered around the downtown until the end of November as an experiment in mass transit. You can pick them up and drop them off pretty much anywhere in the city, thanks to advanced locator technology, with the caveat that you are supposed to stay on sidewalks and avoid Miracle Mile as well as the first three blocks north or south of there on Ponce de Leon Boulevard.

Starting them up is easy – just download the app that is on the bike’s steering handle, put in credit card and driver’s license information, and off you go. It costs $1 to unlock, and then 15 cents a minute. What could go wrong?

That is what the city wants to find out. In the first 30 days of testing 75 scooters in August, no complaints or accidents so far…

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