Homage to Wes Anderson

"Isle of Dogs" - Showing at the Coral Gables Art Cinema
Fans of the quirky and highly original filmmaker Wes Anderson will be pleased that the Coral Gables Art Cinema is running his latest film "Isle of Dogs" for a week in April – following a quick jam session of five of the master's flicks at the start of the month. For those lucky enough to find the time, the Cinema is showing "Moonrise Kingdom," "The Grand Budapest Hotel," and "Rushmore" on April Fool's day (Sunday, April 1), followed by "Fantastic Mr. Fox" and "The Royal Tanenbaums" April 2-4.

Scene from "Isle of Dogs"
Then comes "Isle of Dogs," a stop-motion romp (think "Wallace and Gromit," but with bigger production values) set in a future Japan, in which all dogs of Magasaki City are banned to a vast garbage dump called Trash Island. Naturally a boy (12-year-old ward of corrupt Mayor Kobayashi) steals a plane to reach the island in search of his beloved bodyguard-dog. Pulling from the popular success of using the voice of George Clooney as fantastic Mr. Fox (and Meryl Streep for Mrs. Fox), Anderson has lined up a stunning array of Hollywood vocal chords, including those of Scarlett Johansson, Frances McDormand, Harvey Keitel, Edward Norton, Bill Murray, Jeff Goldblum and many more (even Yoko Ono). CNN calls it "a bit like '60s TV specials on psychedelics."
Isle of Dogs
April 6-12
Coral Gables Art Cinema
260 Aragon Ave.