What You See is What You Get
Graziano's Gourment market place At Graziano’s Gourmet market place on Galiano Street you can get artisanal goods, wines and takeout...

A Different Kind of Snack
Doc B's - Miracle Mile We’re all familiar with the standard bar snacks of peanuts and pretzels. Now Doc B’s on Miracle Mile takes that...

The Happiest Hour
SO LONG AS WE’RE IN THE UM HOOD: NO ICEBERGS AHEAD Kevin Rusk, Owner The only brewery in Coral Gables, Titanic prides itself on being a...

Turning to the Sun
FACING THE CHALLENGE: SOLAR MICRO-GRIDS FOR EMERGENCY POWER Nurcin, Associate Professor - University of Miami's College of Engineering...

Gables' Unique Vegan
ON A STREET WHERE PORK AND BEEF IS A STAPLE, VEGANAROMA STANDS OUT. IN A GOOD WAY. When her mother died of cancer in 2006, fashion...

Paola Mendez
FOUNDER AND DIRECTOR, THE BLOGGER UNION Paola Mendez Almost four years ago, Coral Gables native and UM grad Paola Mendez (B.S in computer...

The City's Sustainability Plan
A SIMPLE FORMULA: USE LESS ENERGY, FUEL AND WATER Coral Gables tree czar Brook Dannemiller - photo by Jonathan Dann Coral Gables has...

The Rising Tide
SEA LEVEL RISE COULD IMPERIL CORAL GABLES Visit bayside Matheson Hammock Park in Coral Gables during king tides, and you’ll find the...

The Plastic Bag Ban
WHAT EXACTLY DOES THE CITY’S BAN ON DISPOSABLE PLASTIC BAGS COVER? The city’s ordinance, in effect since May, prohibits stores and...

Building to "Green" Standards
MAJOR BUILDINGS MUST FOLLOW LEED GUIDELINES Jesse Rittenhouse Jesse Rittenhouse helps clients develop buildings that are healthy for...