Gables' Unique Vegan
ON A STREET WHERE PORK AND BEEF IS A STAPLE, VEGANAROMA STANDS OUT. IN A GOOD WAY. When her mother died of cancer in 2006, fashion...

Paola Mendez
FOUNDER AND DIRECTOR, THE BLOGGER UNION Paola Mendez Almost four years ago, Coral Gables native and UM grad Paola Mendez (B.S in computer...

The City's Sustainability Plan
A SIMPLE FORMULA: USE LESS ENERGY, FUEL AND WATER Coral Gables tree czar Brook Dannemiller - photo by Jonathan Dann Coral Gables has...

The Rising Tide
SEA LEVEL RISE COULD IMPERIL CORAL GABLES Visit bayside Matheson Hammock Park in Coral Gables during king tides, and you’ll find the...

The Plastic Bag Ban
WHAT EXACTLY DOES THE CITY’S BAN ON DISPOSABLE PLASTIC BAGS COVER? The city’s ordinance, in effect since May, prohibits stores and...

Building to "Green" Standards
MAJOR BUILDINGS MUST FOLLOW LEED GUIDELINES Jesse Rittenhouse Jesse Rittenhouse helps clients develop buildings that are healthy for...

Trend Boutique
FILLS A CRITICAL FASHION NICHE FOR PRE AND YOUNG TEENS – AND THEIR MOMS If you haven’t been to Trend Boutique, situated strategically...

Flower Power
STILL FRESH AFTER ALL THESE YEARS Mario Fernandez, Owner I was running late on a Wednesday night, desperate to buy flowers for my wedding...

Hummus, Sushi and Sharing
SAWA IS A UNIQUE AND DELIGHTFUL DUAL CONCEPT DINING EXPERIENCE If it’s not summer you should sit outside in the central courtyard of the...

A Shift at the Top
CORAL GABLES PROMOTES A NEW CITY MANAGER September marked a major transition for the city leadership, as Coral Gables City Manager Cathy...